Adam Campbell's Website
Ray tracing - materials

Using Lambert's law, we can finally get some non-solid colored images and neat shadows. This is a white ball with red, green and a blue lights arranged in an equilateral triangle configuration. Download the scene and camera files here SCENE and CAMERA
This was one of my favorite pictures when I first started writing the ray tracer. Thirty-two reflective spheres enclosed in a box. Download the scene and camera files here SCENE and CAMERA
No ray tracer is complete without dielectrics. Light travels through dielectrics at different speeds, therefore bending it, and some of the light gets absorbed by the volume. Download the scene and camera files here SCENE and CAMERA
Here is an extremely simple procedural texture. As the value of z increases on the intersection points, the color alternates. Notice the extreme pixelation, which can be fixed with supersampling. Download the scene and camera files here SCENE and CAMERA
Here is another simple procedural texture. This doesn't have the pixelation problem. Download the scene and camera files here SCENE and CAMERA
Using Perlin noise, some extremely beautiful textures can be created. It almost looks like the moon. Download the scene and camera files here SCENE and CAMERA
Here are two texture-mapped triangles. A new primitive for texture mapped triangles was created, so normal triangles didn't have extra, unused data. Download the scene and camera files here SCENE and CAMERA